Brian Y. Wu

I like to build robots for Earth and Space. Interested in Autonomy and SpaceTech. Can do AI/ML.

In a world of moving bits, one often forgets the electron that precedes it.

Resume here

Writings here

B.S. CS (Artificial Intelligence)   @ Stanford

M.S. CS (AI + Robotics)             @ Stanford

AI Research                         @ Apple

Technical Lead                      @ Foundational Machines

Co-founder                          @ Daelus Space

Founding Partner                    @

Quantitative Research Intern        @ Millennium Management LLC

Investment Associate Intern         @ Takeoff Capital

BrianWu568 @ twitter

BrianWu568 @ github

Brian Wu @ linkedin

brian [at] bwu [dot] ai

© Brian Wu -- . Template courtesy of Ian M. (Min Seok) Kim